August 1, 2008

The Best Season Yet!!

For my fellow SYTYCD fans, is this not the BEST season yet. All top 8 dancers are so good. I am so sad to see any of them go. I wish they could all win. Here are my FAV. dances from the last couple weeks:

Twitch and Katee - Contemporary -Mercy

Joshua and Katee - Contemporary -All by Myself
(This one give me goose bumps every time!)

Joshua and Chelsie - Argentine Tango

Courthey and Will - Contemporary - Like You'll Never See Me Again


Kerstin said...

Hey Amy! I was killing some time during Audrey's longer than usual nap and started checking out other blogs besides the ones I usually read. I was so excited to come across yours! We need to tell Kalee to start one of these! I love your post from today because I absolutely LOVE SYTYCD- and I agree that this has been the BEST season! The final 6 were so awesome but I will admit, I especially love Joshua and Katee. They are incredible!

Kerstin said...

Oops, your probably wondering who the heck I am since I forgot to sign my name! This is Kerstin (McBride) Wright. :)