OK, she isn't really, but I had to share this. My girl is really quite smart, in fact it can sometimes be scary. She is in Kindergarten this year and they just started getting homework. She had a paper in her folder with some basic sentences we were asked to review with her at home. The sentences were things like - Meg has a cat. etc. This is what happened.
Me: Kamrie, let's do your homework.
Kamrie: OK
Me: I need you to read these sentences for me
Kamrie: OK - Dear Parents, Please review the attached sentences with your child. We have been working on them in class.....
I decided maybe she didn't need that homework?
Homecoming 2016
8 years ago
You have to share that story with her teacher! So funny! (And impressive, considering my own Kindergartner would slaughter the easy sentence.) :)
That is hillarious. What a dream for the kindergarten teacher!!
So funny... I laughed out loud!
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