February 23, 2008

Tyler's Highlight Reel

We went from violin to a basketball game. Tyler is doing better all the time and had quite a few great plays today.

Kamrie's Recital

So Kamrie had her second Violin recital today. She has been playing for almost a year now. It wasn't perfect but I was really proud that she didn't give up and kept going.

February 22, 2008

Go Tigers!!!

So I know this isn't maybe as big of deal anywhere but here. But the Memphis Tigers Basketball team is ranked #1, and the TN State Vols are #2.
Here in Memphis the rivalry between Tiger and Vols fans is huge. You are one or the other,

orange or blue!!

They are playing each other on Sat. and tickets are selling on ebay for $1200!!!! ( I haven't seen any sold for that much yet, but they're trying.) And students that can get in for free will be lining up at 5am for the 8 o'clock game. I would have to say we have become Tiger fans and will be cheering them on. (from home of course)

Funny Side Note: Just to give you an idea of how intense the fans are - When I first moved here I was blown away by all the Orange T flags everywhere, in peoples yards, on their cars, everywhere. So in church we were talking about patriotism, and teaching your children to be so. One Sister suggested that we always make we flew the state flag right side up, with the two stars on top. I played dumb and said, isn't the state flag the one with the big ornage T on it? Some laughed, some didn't!!

February 11, 2008

Now She's Just Showing Off!!

OK, she isn't really, but I had to share this. My girl is really quite smart, in fact it can sometimes be scary. She is in Kindergarten this year and they just started getting homework. She had a paper in her folder with some basic sentences we were asked to review with her at home. The sentences were things like - Meg has a cat. etc. This is what happened.

Me: Kamrie, let's do your homework.
Kamrie: OK
Me: I need you to read these sentences for me
Kamrie: OK - Dear Parents, Please review the attached sentences with your child. We have been working on them in class.....

I decided maybe she didn't need that homework?

February 6, 2008

Safe & Sound

Just wanted to let everyone know we are fine. We were all very nervous yesterday, watching the storm come through, but the worst of it went around us. There was a lot of damage done here in Memphis, but we were spared. The picture above was taken about 2 miles from my house!!!! I am glad I didn't see it!!

February 1, 2008

Zac - AGAIN!

It seems Zac has made the blog a lot lately, but I had to share this drama.

As many of you know Zac is pretty much blind! Well, he went yesterday to take his driver's permit test. He was excited and proud that he only missed two. Well, then came the vision test, not so lucky. He actually couldn't pass. Came home and got his glasses, thinking he could see better then with his contacts. NO! So the next step is a visit to the Optometrist to see if he can improve it at all. If he can't then the Dr. has to fill out a paper stating that this is as good as it gets. In case you're wondering, 20/40 is what you have to be able to see to pass. Can you say Lasix!

Two Shinig Stars!!

I posted earlier about the Shining Star Program at our elementary school. Kamrie had received one. Well, this month the "Word of the Month" was self-discipline. Chad and Scott were each nominated by their teachers, and then selected by the guidance councilors to be honored. I have not seen their nomination forms so I don't have the specifics, but I am very proud of them. They both work really hard at school, and I rarely if ever have to say anything to them about it.
Needless to say they were only excited about the coupon for the free Frosty from Wendy's!!