March 24, 2011


We were so lucky to get to stay at a friends while visiting New York!  Lloyd and Greg Porter have been friends of mine since elementary school!

(I realize that I probably didn't need to tell you which one was Greg, but I felt dumb only labeling myself)

We stayed in the top floor apt of their brownstone.  Lloyd and his wife and daughter live on the bottom floor, and Greg lives on the second floor.

OH, did I mention that Mr. Gregory Porter was a Grammy Nominee this year?  You should check out his amazing album Water on Itunes, or where ever you purchase your music.  Or you can see his video here.

Lloyd gave us a great tour of the neighborhood, he is a veritable superstar there!  He and his lovely wife Hillary have a wonderful coffee shop just blocks from their home.  As part of staying with them we were able to eat muffins and drink hot chocolate each morning for breakfast.  It was so YUMMY!  The shop was like a tv show, everyone that came in seemed to know each other.  And while we were there we were introduced to a few of the regulars.

The subway to Manhattan just a few blocks from the brownstone!

On our last morning we went with the Porter's to Juniors for breakfast!  Some of the best french toast I have ever had!

So thankful for Facebook that allowed me to reconnect with these gentleman!  We had an amazing time and they were a big part of it.