June 6, 2010

Tyler's 16!!

Tyler turned 16 in April!  Another driver!  He had a pretty fun party with his best friend Patrick.  Patrick's birthday is the day after Tyler's so they combined their party!  Here's a few pictures:


Natalie said...

I've never heard of the flour game, but it looks hilarious!

Jenny said...

I love that game!!! We played it all the time as kids! LOoks like you guys had lots of fun! P.S. I LOVE my FHE board! I got ribbon for it today and had to post it on my family site for all of my family to be SO JEALOUS!!!!

Dean and Maryellen said...

The flour game is always a success.
We loved watching our Chinese friends playing.

Jessica said...

looks like fun. id rather it be whipping cream than flour.

Leslie said...

You are brave Amy. Tyler 16 already its unbelievable. Wy will be 15 in Feb and get his learner. Really! Read you jogging post. Way cool. Good for you. Go, go, go. BonJovi, we've got it goin on and C Crow, steve mcqueen.