December 14, 2009

The Girl is EIGHT!

I thought I should get this posted before the month is up!

Kamrie turned 8 on Thanksgiving. It's hard to believe she was
only 2 when we made the move to TN, it doesn't seem possible
we've been gone that long.

She had a week long celebration that started the Saturday before
with a birthday party at the movies. They have a party room and
everything. So we had cake and presents and then watched A
Christmas Carol in 3D. It was really good, and the girls were just
a little scared.
Next she got more presents from Mom and Dad on her birthday.
She asked for Liv Dolls this year and that is what she got.
We didn't have time, or room in our tummy's for cake, so that
came a few days later!

I look forward to watching her grow and learn, and seeing the
wonderful person I know she will be.