Yesterday my oldest son, Zac, celebrated his
SEVENTEENTH birthday! I have tried to post something about each of them on their birthdays, this post is coming a day late! It is a day late because I really want to share what being his Mom has been like. The four words in the title I think sum it up for me.
LUCKY - I feel lucky because Zac is truly, and genuinely GOOD. He was a good baby, a good toddler, a good kid, and now a good young man. My friend once asked if I could bottle whatever I did with him so she could give it to her boys. I had to be honest, and not take credit, I tell everyone "He just came that way!"
JOY - Zac has the ability to bring joy to any situation. I feel he is genuinely a joyful person. In fact there have been times when I have had to be harsh with him, and always felt so bad for taking any of that joy from him. He almost always has a smile, and even if he tells you he doesn't have that many friends. I know that everyone that knows him feels like his friend.
ANXIOUS - There are two reasons I feel anxious. The first is that I realize my time with him living under the same roof, seeing him every day, is limited. But I am also anxious to see what amazing things he will do with his life. No matter what he does, big or small, he will bring his joy and goodness to everyone around him. His wife and children will be loved and cared for. He will work hard, and do the very best job he can. He will serve his Heavenly Father, and live the gospel.
LOVE - I never knew how much I could truly love someone until he was born. It is a different love than the romantic love I have for my husband. It is an all consuming love, lay down my life kind of love. A love, I think, only comes from the birth of a child. A part of me, and part of the man I love. A child is the epitomy of love. I am thankful for the blessing I was given 17 years ago, to be allowed to be a part of this amazing persons life. To love him, and for the love he gives me.