October 10, 2007

My "NEW" Computer Monitor

So how many times in the last 15 1/2 years of being a mother, do you think I have said:

"Don't throw things in the house! You are going to break something!"

Well, last Saturday I came home from a nice date with Jim to find my flat screen monitor broken. There was a spot where apparently something had hit it, and from that spot lots and lots of colored lines spreading across the screen. The boys thought it would be fun to throw pencils at each other. Zac was sitting at the computer and Tyler threw a pencil at him. He of course missed Zac and hit the monitor. Geniuses!! So now I am using this lovely monitor that takes up the entire desk!

So the moral of this story - Listen to your Mother!


Mandee said...

That is so crappy. Are your kids still alive?

The other day I told 3 year old Charlie, "get over here before I beat you." And he laughed at me and said "beat you, that's funny mom."

So, my kids don't take me seriously either.

Dean and Maryellen said...

Or never leave the house. HOpe they have good jobs.

Urmston Family said...

Welcome back into fold. We love having our large monitor that takes up the entire desk. It just wouldn't be the same without the keyboard hanging half way off.

Jessica said...

that is too bad. live and learn. what a valuable lesson for your boys to listen to their wise mother!

Tanner said...

AHahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Yeah Tyler!